Stella delivers mail everywhere - Stop #5 Clover Club

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Metius · 12

Decided that I needed to upgrade my madames into grannies in order to help investigate. Have to move quick this scenario, I'm going to mulligan hard for an ally. Let's see how it goes!

Opening Hand: .18 Derringer, Live and Learn, Bandolier, Thermos, Scrounge for Supplies
Kept: None
Replacements: Drawing Thin, "Look what I found!", Perception, Rabbit's Foot, Winging It
Starting Location: La Bella Luna

Like this hand better anyway, but no ally! I have a few more chances to get one

R1 (0D, 2H, 5$, 0C): 0/4 doom

-Encounter: None
- Move to Clover Club Lounge
- Move to Clover Club Bar
- Use Clover Club Bar [-2$]: Draw Fire Axe, Lucky!, +2C, “had a drink”
-Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Clover Club Bar
-Draw Scrounge for Supplies [+1$]

Still no ally, time to gamble!

R2 (0D, 2H, 4$, 2C): 1/4 doom

-Encounter: Cursed Luck [threatens]
- Move to Clover Club Cardroom
- Use Clover Club Cardroom [-2$]: (-2) [+2C] (…phew, first try)
- Advance Act [-4C]: Darkened Hall enters play, O'Bannion's Thug spawns at Darkened Hall
- Move to Darkened Hall, Back Hall Doorways enter play
-Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Clover Club Cardroom
-Draw Perception, discard Winging It [+1$]

R3 (0D, 2H, 3$, 0C): 2/4 doom

-Encounter: Cursed Luck [threatens] (Super cursed!)
- Play Rabbit's Foot [-1$]
- Play Drawing Thin
- Investigate, exhaust Drawing Thin [+2$] 0 vs. 6 (+1): fail
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: draw .18 Derringer
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Move to Back Hall A - Back Alley
-Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Darkened Hall
-Draw Meat Cleaver [+1$]

R4 (0D, 2H, 5$, 2C): 3/4 doom

-Encounter: Something in the Drinks [-1 , surge], Hunted Down [Clover Club Pit Boss and O'Bannion's Thug move to Back Alley] (feelin’ kinda dizzy, but I’ll have just enough focus to get out my gun and prepare to fight!)
- Play Winging It from discard [-1$]: Investigate, commit Perception x2, 4 vs. 0 ( is -3): pass [+3$, +1C, +1 Victory, draw Drawing Thin, Scrounge for Supplies, Cursed Luck x2 discarded, Winging It reshuffled] (Wow a lot happened from that one investigate and sure I’ll take the extra resources!)
- Play .18 Derringer [-3$]
-Draw Neither Rain nor Snow [+1$]

R5 (0D, 2H, 5$, 1C): 4/4 doom

-Agenda advances: encounters reshuffled, Agenda advances: encounters reshuffled with additional encounter set, Conglomeration of Spheres spawns at Clover Club Lounge, La Bella Luna removed from game, Clover Club Pit Boss and O'Bannion's Thug engage
-Encounter: Cursed Luck [threatens] (Just got rid of you!)
- Use .18 Derringer [-1X]: Fight Clover Club Pit Boss, commit Fire Axe 5 vs. 3 ( is -3), play Lucky! [-1$]: pass [+2D, Cursed Luck discarded] (no free resources this time, thanks O'Bannion's Thug)
- Use .18 Derringer [-1X]: Fight Clover Club Pit Boss, 5 vs. 3 (-1): pass [+2D, defeated, +1 Victory]
- Evade O'Bannion's Thug: 4 vs. 2 (0): pass [evaded]
-Conglomeration of Spheres moves to Clover Club Cardroom
-O'Bannion's Thug readies and engages
-Draw Thermos

R6 (0D, 2H, 4$, 1C): 1/7 doom

-Encounter: Swarm of Rats spawns and engages
- Play Meat Cleaver [-3$], Swarm of Rats attacks [1D], O'Bannion's Thug attacks [2D] (much ouch, but need to clear these guys off me fast, with the spheres closing in shortly)
- Use Meat Cleaver: Fight Swarm of Rats 4 vs. 1 (+1): pass [+1D, defeated, heal 1H]
- Use Meat Cleaver [1H]: Fight O'Bannion's Thug, commit Neither Rain nor Snow 7 vs. 4 (+1): pass [+2D, defeated, heal 1H]
-Conglomeration of Spheres moves to Darkened Hall
-Draw Called by the Mists [threatens] [+1$]

R7 (3D, 1H, 2$, 1C): 2/7 doom

-Encounter: Mobster spawns and engages (Stop making me fight more stuff!)
- Use Meat Cleaver [1H]: Fight Mobster 4 vs. 2 (-1): pass [+2D, defeated, heal 1H]
- Move to Darkened Hall, Conglomeration of Spheres engages
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres, exhaust Drawing Thin [+2$] 3 vs. 3 (-1): fail
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: draw Take Heart
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 3 vs. 1 (-2): pass [+1D]
-Conglomeration of Spheres attacks [1D, 1H]
-Draw Neither Rain nor Snow [+1$]

R8 (4D, 2H, 5$, 1C): 3/7 doom

-Encounter: O'Bannion's Thug spawns and engages (Third turn in a row an enemy spawns on my head…stop it!)
- Use Meat Cleaver [1H]: Fight O'Bannion's Thug, commit Neither Rain nor Snow 7 vs. 4 [1D] ( is -3): pass [+2D, defeated, heal 1H] (and again with the not gaining my free resources, not like I needed them)
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 3 vs. 1 (-1): pass [+1D]
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 3 vs. 1 ( is -3): fail
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: draw Old Keyring
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 3 vs. 1 (-1): pass [+1D]
-Conglomeration of Spheres attacks [1D, 1H]
-Draw Timeworn Brand [+1$]

R9 (7D, 3H, 6$, 1C): 4/7 doom

-Encounter: Dissonant Voices [threatens]
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 3 vs. 1 (): fail
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: draw Professor Warren Rice
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 3 vs. 1 (0): pass [+1D]
- Use Meat Cleaver [1H]: Fight Conglomeration of Spheres 4 vs. 1 (-1): pass [+2D, defeated, heal 1H, discard Meat Cleaver]
- Move to Back Hall B - Art Gallery
-Draw Resourceful [+1$]
-Dissonant Voices discarded

R10 (7D, 3H, 7$, 1C): 5/7 doom

-Encounter: Rotting Remains 3 vs. 3 ( is -2): fail [-3$, 2H]
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: draw Grisly Totem
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Play Old Keyring [-1$]
- Use Old Keyring: Investigate 2 vs. 0 (-1): pass [+1C, +1 Victory, -1X]
- Move to Darkened Hall
- Move to Back Hall B - VIP Area
- Advance Act [-2C]: Peter Clover and Servant of the Lurker spawn at Clover Club Bar
-Servant of the Lurker moves to Clover Club Cardroom
-Draw Winging It, discard Winging It [+1$]

Well, now I have plenty of time left to kill the servant, parley Peter, and get out of here…

R11 (7D, 5H, 4$, 0C): 6/7 doom

-Encounter: Hunted Down [surge], Twist of Fate: () [2H]
- Move to Darkened Hall
- Move to Back Alley
- Use Back Alley: Resign
-Advance Act: Resolution 1

Resolution 1:

-O’Bannion gang has a bone to pick with Stella
-Dr. Francis Morgan was kidnapped

4 experience (3 Victory +1 bonus)

Encounter deck beat me upside the face and that last encounter card could've killed me, glad I survived!