Bisca del Clover Club - Retro

Avvicinandosi alla bisca, il ticchettare delle fiche da poker e i mazzi di carte mescolati si alternano a esclamazioni di esultanza e di frustrazione. I pensieri sono quasi sopraffatti dalla confusione.


Clover Club.

Oscurità: 3. Indizi: 0

Mentre siete al Capitolo 1, la Bisca del Clover Club ottiene:

Spendi 2 risorse: Rivela 1 segnalino caos.

Se è un simbolo , ottieni 2 indizi e 2 risorse dalla riserva dei segnalini.

Se è un numero pari, ottieni 2 indizi dalla riserva dei segnalini. Altrimenti, non accade niente.”

Jonny Klein
L'Eredità di Dunwich #73. Il Banco Vince Sempre #12.
Bisca del Clover Club
Bisca del Clover Club


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • 0 is an even number.
Last updated


Are blessing/curses an even number or are they a dud draw?

the rules say they have no effect does that mean a null value or does that mean a 0.

I'm playing it that they count as 0's for blessing and curses draw by effects like this, which is good for some stuff, badish for others.

Zerogrim · 295
At my table, "Draw again." — MrGoldbee · 1472
This is a good question, and I'd like to see an official ruling. My sense is that it's a dead draw, though. Here's from the rules: "tokens revealed outside of a skill test have no effect on their own unless otherwise specified by a card effect." No effect, to me, means no modifier at all (including a zero modifier) and no redraw. — Mordenlordgrandison · 456
It is pretty simple. They are a symbol token, but not any of the listed tokens. They are not a number. None of the three listed effects will resolve, so nothing will happen. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
The real question is why is the last sentence written on the card at all? — NarkasisBroon · 10
It was almost certainly added for clarification, but it isn't technically necessary with the way the rules work. I doubt the designers expected to add new tokens back when they started TDL. — Death by Chocolate · 1485