


Rivelazione - Rivela 1 segnalino caos.

Se riveli un simbolo o un numero positivo, non succede nulla.

Se riveli un qualsiasi altro numero, subisci 1 danno.

Se riveli un simbolo , , , o , subisci 2 orrori.

Vlad Ricean
L'Eredità di Dunwich #93. Malasorte #4-6.
Svolta del Fato


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • 0 is neither a positive or negative number, hence the lack of a + or – symbol on the token. (In fact, the concept of positive and negative numbers are defined by whether or not the number is greater than or less than 0). 0 is therefore "any other number."
Last updated


I asked FFG what would happen if you drew a bless token. Here is what they said:

"Bless Tokens (and Curse Tokens, and Frost Tokens) only have value when they are revealed during a skill test—meaning, they don’t count as tokens with “any other number.” If they are revealed from the chaos bag while resolving “Twist of Fate”, nothing happens, because they do not correspond to one of the printed options."

So if you draw a bless, curse, or frost... this card does nothing.

Achire · 545
don't know how you would draw a frost token for a dunwich encounter but where there is a will there is a way! — Zerogrim · 294
I was wondering about that too, but I was just grateful to have an answer about the bless/curse tokens, as we use those a lot. — Achire · 545