Entryway - Retro

The sun sets over the temple ruins, bathing the stone in warm light. The sounds of the rainforest are distant by the time you cross underneath the painted entryway. Inside, the halls are plunged into darkness.


Ancient. Ruins.

OscuritĂ : 2. Indizi: 1.

: Resign. You've escaped… for now.

: Check your supplies. If you have torches, look at the top 2 cards of the exploration deck. Discard each treachery looked at by this effect. Shuffle the exploration deck.

Many hundreds of years ago, this temple might have been a bastion of beauty and reverence in this perilous jungle.
Nele Diel
L'Era Dimenticata #60. La Maledizione di Eztli #7.


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I have a small issue with this card: both 'your' and 'you' can be seen as plural.

Imagine a drill sergeant pointing at a pile of stuff and yell at some recruits "check your supplies, if you have torches you can X/Y" in this case we imagine multiple torches in the pile and the recruits will spread them. Yet if the drill sergeant yells the exact same at a specific recruit, it's singular. So grammatically speaking: both work but context matters a lot. And considering that you can have 1x torches (plurar torchES, and not torch(es) single OR plural) we can consider this to be a set of torches. As such it would make sense for the investigator to spread the torches around so nobody has to dredge through a possibly pitch black trapped and deadly ruin.

Yet considering how brutal the game is, I'd imagine that this is meant at a single investigator and only if they have it in their supply the can do the action. So unless I missed a rule regarding the supply somewhere, rules as intended vs rules as written is a bit unclear IMO. Maybe saying "if you, or an investigator in your location, has torches in his her supply" or simply "if an investigator has a torch/torches in his/her supply" would be a lot more clear, cause at this point logic could dictates that my buddy gives me one of the torches he has so I can use it in the dangerous, dark ruin xP Anyone know if I'm missing a rule somewhere that would affect this?

Psychotimo · 1
I think it's the general rule on "you" that you want here. That reads "When resolving a triggered ability , "you/your" refers to the investigator triggering the ability." This is a triggered ability , as represented by the action designator, so you in this ability specifically means the person who spent an action to trigger this ability. If they specifically have torches they get to look at encounter cards and if they don't, they don't. It doesn't make a huge amount of sense thematically, but since people without torches are unlikely to trigger it, I guess you could think of it as saying "scouting is the job of the guy who bought the torches" — bee123 · 31
Right, makes sense. — Psychotimo · 1
Wops, clicked 'post' too soon. Anyways, yeah makes sense. Adding this rule to the context of the action it's a lot more clear. We played it like that cause it fits more with the ruthlessness of the game. But it kinda bugged me that it didnt feel 100% clear :) — Psychotimo · 1