
Intuizione. Audacia.

Costi: 2.


Gioca solo come tua prima azione.

Scopri 1 indizio nel tuo luogo (2 indizi se invece ci sono nemici in quel luogo). Questa azione non provoca attacchi di opportunitĂ .

Andreia Ugrai
Trame del Fato #103.
Scena del Crimine


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)

FAQ removed - double-checking provenance.

Last updated


HEADLINE: Guardians can gather clues?

This card is a game changer for guardians. Almost every guardian deck is improved by including this card (especially if they run On the Hunt).

It costs a fair bit, but its effect is profoundly powerful.

Running this card next to on the hunt gives you the ability to really turn up the gas. You draw the enemy (REALLY good odds of it), engage it and now can use your first action to gain two clues at a location.

No test, no attack of opportunity. No nothing.

That is almost a flashlight worth of clues with only one action rather than THREE (play flashlight and investigate twice) AND it dodges investigation restrictions AND attacks of opportunity AND doesn't require a token pull from the bag.

Like... seriously!?!

A great card in decks that want to run on the hunt (read as MOST GUARDIANS).

In fact, the only guardian who might not want it right away is some Mark builds which can run Working a Hunch.

Myriad · 1223
Maaan... That card in solo gator's hand and Restricted Hall in Miskatonic Museum... Just say hello to Hunting Horror and take the book just like that. Even you don't need to play with searching a monster to uncage the full potential of that card! Aaaand +1000 points of style for linking both Act 2b flavor texts and Scene of the Crime theme :D Amazing card. — KptMarchewa · 1
Doesn't seem like I can add this to decks yet, but I'm not sure why. — TheUnthinkable · 390
Sometimes I think they use darts to determine the resource cost of events. This should cost 3 or more, Marksmanship (in the same pack) should cost 1 or less. Costing them both at 2 is crazy... — duke_loves_biscuits · 1264
Guardians have enough trouble with resources that I don’t like seeing this be more expensive. I would rather see this as a level 1 or 2 card with the same effect. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Does this combo with On the Hunt? That is, would On The Hunt be considered a "first action?" I'm thinking no, but would like some backup on that. — crymoricus · 252
On the hunt is fast, so doesn't cost an action — Talex · 1
Does Scene of the Crime work with Diana Stanley's signature ability since it is ignoring a game effect, the attack of opportunity? Seems like it does. — McV0id · 8
To call out one more combo -- Alice Luxley becomes a much better ally if you're running two copies of SOTC. Not only do you swipe two clues from underneath an enemy's nose, but then you punch that enemy in the nose as well! That works out to 2 clues and a damage for an action and two resources. Yum! — Mordenlordgrandison · 456
Does not != Ignore, McV0id. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Not only for guardians, this event combined with I've got a plan! and Deduction (2) means 4+ clues and a 3+ HP monster dead in one turn.. — forever_seeking · 13
Another rules question, can this be played with Parallel Roland's directive to make insight's fast? That would seem to violate "Play only as the first action", since it doesn't take an action right? — TrisJ1 · 8

The effect of this card is great when conditions are right. There needs to be two or more clues on the location and an enemy you can allow to persist for an action to get full value. If you have the pictured Alice Luxley in play, you can even do one damage to an enemy. But in practice Scene of the Crime often languishes in your hand while the perfect moments elude you.

If there is no enemy at your location it's two resources and an action for one clue. This is a reasonable and unimpressive transaction. If the clue is otherwise difficult to get thanks to some treachery or your investigator's low , it's a little better. It is easy to commit it for one or one . But using Scene of the Crime outside of its perfect situation always feels like a mediocre effect with a painful opportunity cost, especially considering what you could've had.

The temptation to engineer the situation this card demands--for example, evading an enemy you could have killed, or absorbing an attack during the enemy phase--will be strong. But going out of your way for this card quickly diminishes its promised efficiency.

Free movement abilities that allow you to enter the perfect situation from outside make this much easier and safer. On the Hunt, mentioned in the old review, can also work, though sometimes you will not be at liberty to expend an action depending on what enemy you get. These combo plays are often not quite as good as they feel since it's now two cards for two clues, but it's better than just holding the card in your hand.

The Mythos seems to take particular pleasure in scuttling perfect Scene of the Crime setups. So take Scene of the Crime and enjoy those special times when it goes off. But be prepared for it to sit sullenly in you hand while you have other priorities.

Frickenator · 23
I don't know if this situation is particularly hard to engineer - Are you a fighter who drew an enemy during the mythos phase? If yes, you've met the conditions. Now all that you need are clues at your location. You don't need to evade something as this doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, you don't need to not kill an enemy as you can just kill them on actions 2 and 3 during your turn. If I'm trying to flex a few clues in a fighter deck for a 2 player game, this is one of the first cards I'm looking at. — Therebrae · 32
@Frickenator: Like you mentioned, cards like Sg — AlderSign · 309
That's my first accidental Enter here, took me long enough... Continuing: Cards like Shortcut or Eon Chart are your friend. Or you have Carson in your party. Or you are Joe Diamond (this as a Hunch is less predictible, but saving 2 resources seems worth it). — AlderSign · 309