



Revelation - Test (3). If you fail, take 1 damage and 1 horror. For each act deck the investigators have completed, this skill test gets +1 difficulty and deals +1 damage and +1 horror if it is failed.

Romain Leguay
Trame del Fato #144. Trame del Fato #32-34.
The Secret Must Be Kept


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I was playing Treads of Fate as Finn Edwards. I drew this with with two "You handle this one!" in hand. We had completed 5 acts. Threw as much as I could at it, and drew the Tentacle. What a terrible card.

This card really needs to be non-peril or max out at 3 Dmg/Horror. Truly feels poorly templated.

0/10 Newman.

Mcpunchababy · 34
You misread the card, it's per each completed act *deck*. There are only 3 of these, and once you've finished all 3 you've won the scenario. — cfmcdonald · 7
D'oh! I deserved that damage/horror. — Mcpunchababy · 34
I also misread it. Completed DECK not CARDS. — LEKO · 6