South Church - Retro
The massive Romanesque building towers over the rest of Uptown, light shining from within its stained glass windows. Father Michael has made it a point to keep the church open at all hours, and despite the strange happenings throughout town, tonight is no different.
Oscurità: 2. Indizi: 0
Discard an asset you control from play: Move all breaches from South Church to the current act.
: Resign. You hide through the night.
Many fearful citizens are seated at the church's wooden pews, praying and whispering amongst themselves.
Mark Molnar
Nelle Grinfie del Caos #299. Nelle Grinfie del Caos #12.

Carte Correlate
- South Church (Return to the Circle Undone #54)
- South Church (Nelle Grinfie del Caos #298)
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