
Oscurità: 5. Indizi: 0

: Test (5) to lift the heavy stone trapdoor at the top of the tower. If you succeed, flip this card over and resolve the text on its other side.

You are surprised to find that none of the creatures that dwell within in the city seem to reside within this vast structure at the heart of the city. Aside from the strange sign upon the tower's doorway, it is barren and devoid of any decoration or purpose.
Régis Moulun
Punto di Non Ritorno #256. Punto di Non Ritorno #10.



Put the set-aside Enchanted Woods (Stone Trapdoor) into play, revealed.

Record in your Campaign Log the investigators found a way out of the Underworld.

Flip this card back over.

Step after step, you scale the tower until you reach the heavy trapdoor at the top. When you push the stone aside, a column of bright light pierces through the shaft, blinding you. The surface! You emerge in an area thick with trees and mystical fog. After so many hours spent underground, the cool breeze feels wonderful. Many curious eyes watch you from the surrounding woods. Though you long to stay and explore more of these wilds, you know your true goal lies back down in the caverns below the surface.
Punto di Non Ritorno #256. Punto di Non Ritorno #10.
Tower of Koth
Another Path


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