
Monster. Spider.

Combatti: 2. Salute: 2. Eludi: 2.
Danni: 1. Orrori: 1.

Spawn - Any empty location.


Forced - At the end of the round, if Web-Spinner is ready: Place 1 doom on Web-Spinner's location.

Cristi Balanescu
La Tessitrice del Cosmo #351. La Tessitrice del Cosmo #28-30.


No faqs yet for this card.


How does this card not end up ready at the end of the round??? it is after exhausted cards ready!

I need to write more in this review.

I still need to write more in this review

I really still need to write more in this review

Phoenixbadger · 198
Cards like <a href="">Slip AwayA Test of Will</a> can prevent enemies from readying during the upkeep phase. — Jeko · 14
Should just say "Slip Away". Links apparently don't work in replies... — Jeko · 14
just kill it lmao — ironbrw · 17