Marsh Refinery - Retro
"He found the Marsh refinery a queer place - it's in an old mill on the lower falls of the Manuxet. What he said tallied up with what I'd heard. Books in bad shape, and no clear account of any kind of dealings. You know it's always ben a kind of mystery where the Marshes get the gold they refine." - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth
Oscurità: 1. Indizi: 1.
: Draw 4 cards. (Limit once per game.)
"That refinery, though, used to be a big thing, and Old Man Marsh, who owns it, must be richer'n Croesus." - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth
Mark Molnar
La Cospirazione di Innsmouth #63. La Scomparsa di Elina Harper #8.

Carte Correlate
- Marsh Refinery (In Too Deep #141)
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