Trama. Stage 2
Destini: 7. Indizi: –
Something dwells beneath the ice. Something you’ve never seen or heard of before, not even in William Dyer’s horrifying report. Something...unreal.
Forced - After a location is entered by an investigator for the first time: Put into play each set-aside location connected to that location. (Use the map in the Campaign Guide for reference.)
Juan Carlos Barquet
Ai Confini della Terra, Espansione Campagna #19. Lo Schianto #2.
It Dwells Inside - Retro
These things, these manifestations, they’re not beasts or even alien creatures like those Dyer and Danforth encountered in their last expedition. You’re not even sure they are entities at all. They have no shape, consisting of an almost proto-plasmic substance that seeps back into the ice when harmed or whenever you escape their clutches. Given the persistence of these entities and the inclement, deadly conditions of Antarctica, you know you won’t survive the night without finding shelter.
Just as you are pondering what your next move should be, the ice beneath you rumbles with tremendous force, letting out a terrifying groan. "An earthquake?" one of your party asks over the raucous noise.
"No, that’s impossible," another replies. You share a dreadful glance. Could it be one of those...things?
Just as you are pondering what your next move should be, the ice beneath you rumbles with tremendous force, letting out a terrifying groan. "An earthquake?" one of your party asks over the raucous noise.
"No, that’s impossible," another replies. You share a dreadful glance. Could it be one of those...things?
Spawn the set-aside Terror of the Stars enemy at the revealed location with the highest shelter value.

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