Trama. Stage 7
Destini: 2. Indizi: –
Something stirs beneath the ice. Through the cracks, a vile ichor bubbles forth, its odor pungent and rancid.
Forced – When this agenda would advance, if there is at least 1 facedown card beneath a Seeping Nightmare: Instead of advancing this agenda, remove 2 doom from play and find the Seeping Nightmare with the most facedown cards beneath it. Choose one of the cards beneath it at random and spawn it at its location.
Juan Carlos Barquet
Ai Confini della Terra, Espansione Campagna #44. Incubi Penetranti #1.
A Foul Air - Retro
This place is not what it seems. You feel as though you have trespassed somewhere ancient and terrible, and now its wrath is erupting all around you.
The lead investigator must decide (choose one):
- Add 1 token to the chaos bag.
- In player order, each investigator shuffles the top 2 cards of the Tekeli-li deck into their deck (each investigator who cannot takes 1 damage and 1 horror instead).

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