Titanic Ramp - Retro


Titanic Ramp is connected to the locations to its left and right.

"...over our former trail back to the city, along ice-sunken megalithic corridors to the great open circle, and up that archaic spiral ramp in a frenzied automatic plunge for the sane outer air and light of day."
– H. P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness



Oscurità: 2. Indizi: 1.

Titanic Ramp is connected to the locations to its left and right.

As an additional cost for you to leave Titanic Ramp, test (3). If you fail, cancel the effects of the move. Any investigator at your location or a connecting location may spend 1 clue to have you automatically succeed at this test.

Vlad Ricean
Ai Confini della Terra, Espansione Campagna #183. Agitazione nel Profondo #28.
Titanic Ramp
Titanic Ramp


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