The Bourse - Retro


The entrance to the offices is secure. Unless The Claret Knight is the only Key Locus in play, enemies cannot enter The Bourse (if an enemy would spawn here, spawn it at a connecting location instead).

The stock exchange building in Alexandria is more than just a place of business, it seems - it is also the Claret Knight's chosen hiding place for the Key you are searching for.

The Bourse
Locus Safeguard



Oscurità: 2. Indizi: 2.

Unless The Claret Knight is the only Key Locus in play, enemies cannot enter The Bourse (if an enemy would spawn here, spawn it at a connecting location instead).

Investigators at The Bourse spend 1 clues, as a group: Remove 1 doom from any location or from an asset you control. Any player may trigger this ability.

Pixoloid Studios
Le Chiavi Scarlatte, Espansione Campagna #142. Cani da Guerra #8.
The Bourse
The Bourse


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