Kuala Lumpur Station - Retro
This busy railway stop brings in travelers from all over the world, near and far. The recently completed platform now connects Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and Siam.
Kuala Lumpur Station
East Wing
Kuala Lumpur.
Oscurità: 3. Indizi: 1.
During your turn, pay 2 resources: Move (to a connecting location). (Limit once per turn.)
Discard an asset you control from play: Gain resources equal to half the discarded asset's printed cost, rounded down, and remember that you "traded for a kitten." (Group limit once per game.)
Pixoloid Studios
Le Chiavi Scarlatte, Espansione Campagna #167. Ombre Sanguigne #8.
Carte Correlate
- Kuala Lumpur Station: West Wing (Le Chiavi Scarlatte, Espansione Campagna #168)
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