Arkham Gazette - Retro

The Arkham Gazette goes all the way back to the Revolutionary era, when the newspaper was a single handsheet publicizing local notices and businesses. Industrialization led to the Gazette's first automated printing press, and the newspaper's influence quickly spread beyond Arkham.


Arkham. Portal. Past.

Oscurità: 2. Indizi: 1.

: Test any skill (4). If you succeed, gain 1 clue (from the token pool).

Remove 1 newspaper from this location: Place 1 clues (from the token pool) on this location. Look at the top 5 cards of the encounter deck, add 1 to the victory display, and put the rest on the top and/or bottom of that deck in any order.

Pixoloid Studios Ltd
Macchinazioni Temporali #7. Macchinazioni Temporali #6.
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