Trama. Stage 3
Destini: 3. Indizi: –
The heist has become more complicated than you could have ever imagined. Terrifying monsters have appeared on the casino floor. The patrons, however, seem to be in a daze, while the staff continue to watch for suspicious activity. Can they not see the danger they are all in?
Forced - At the start of the enemy phase: Each investigator who is at the same location as a ready Casino enemy raises their alarm level by 1.
Forced - After an investigator defeats a Casino enemy: Raise that investigator's alarm level by 1.
Borja Pindado
Fortuna e Follia #4. Fortuna e Follia #4.
Improbable Chaos - Retro
Just when it seems like things couldn't get any worse, there is a strange transformation in the atmosphere of the casino, the calm before a storm. Then, like the last gasp before drowning, the storm of misfortune breaks...
Shuffle the 3 set-aside Fortune's Disfavor story cards and select 1 of them at random, resolving its text.
Raise each investigator's alarm level by 1.
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