Daisy Walker boarding Essex County Express

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Time4Tiddy · 245

We're only adding cards as we advance to the next scenario. We're allowed to buy cards from the new scenario only after finishing the previous one, so at the moment we only have access to Core and Dunwich through Essex. Advice is greatly appreciated!


May 09, 2019 dharladay · 69

Hi! I'm in exactly the same situation as you (pack by pack playing Daisy Walker, I'm one scenario behind you on the museum). I might recommend doubling up on I've got a plan and Mind over Matter; you don't have a lot to help the party in a fight or if you get jumped. Alternatively, how is Hypnotic Gaze going for you? I could see that being really useful on Daisy!

I dropped barricade from my deck because I find I don't tend to stay in one place long enough to be worth spending an action on it (I'm running two shortcuts and a pathfinder so mobility is big for me).

I recommend swapping perception for guts. Once you get Dr. Milan Christopher out you're at 6 int, which is more than enough to win at most int skill tests. I run two of him and try really hard to mulligan for him turn 1.

I'd ditch clarity of mind. It takes TWO actions to heal ONE horror from one of your allies, AND they have to be at your location!

Shortcut is AMAZING; it's basically a free action and actions are the most valuable thing out there. I might consider adding another one of those in.

I'm kind of ehhh on Art Student. I feel like why play something that takes an ally slot and costs two when you could just investigate for the same effect? After all, when was the last time you failed an investigate check as Daisy?

May 10, 2019 Limecrete · 34

Hi, dharladay - I'm playing Daisy while Time4Tiddy plays Ashcan Pete, and there are some really great suggestions in your comment! Hypnotic Gaze is terrific; it's expensive, but has no downside.

Things I'm definitely going to look into: -Doubling up on "I've got a plan!" -Dropping Barricade (we've already been wanting to drop it, but I haven't had the xp to swap in anything) -Adding another Shortcut (that one really saved our bacon) and/or Pathfinder -Ditching Clarity of Mind - you're right, it hasn't been terribly useful -Swapping the Art Student for the Lab Assistant (I've been wanting to, but have lacked the xp to do it)

Other: -I may not swap out Perception, because I generally use it to assist Ashcan Pete on his tests -We have a house rule that we can't double up on cards from multiple packs, so there's only one Dr. Milan Christopher, one Mind over Matter, etc.

The deck has evolved a bit since this one, so I'd be curious to hear what you think of the current one:


(The one that came between that deck and this one is here:

arkhamdb.com )