Lucky Tony Plans for Brand

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dubcity566 · 109

I love Timeworn Brand for Tony. His extra actions make up for the fact that it's a 2 damage weapon. His high base combat helps offset its relatively modest combat modifier. Pairing with it the Survivor suite of Lucky, Live and Learn, and then Resourceful to recur them, Tony has a high enough effective combat score to consistently beat the chaos bag on Hard difficulty.

This deck runs very lean, with few assets and lots of card draw to help you find your key assets early and continue to find extra copies of the survivor events that give this deck so much flexible power.

After your Brands, you don't have a lot of key core upgrades. Consider Elder sign amulet (or Key of Ys if nobody else is getting it) + Relic Hunter for some horror resiliency, Skeleton Key especially in a bigger group, or Lola/Charisma if your group needs help with more clues. This deck has a little more economy than it really needs so it can leverage Lola pretty well, especially with Flashlight or Skeleton Key. Pocket Watch + Relic Hunter, Ace in the Hole, or Streetwise are always welcome if you're looking for to burn XP.

Adding in 1-2 Another Day, Another Dollars can let you take out your Emergency Caches. If your group has some other fighting capable characters, I'd be comfortable going down to just 4 weapons after I have both my brands. With all that draw you'll find something in time. Act of Desperation, Unexpected Courage, Watch This are also good things to remove for some more power cards though their icons will be a little missed.

Tony Morgan is soo good. Those extra actions are just juicy for a combat character. Please enjoy. Happy to take feedback.