Setting the Record Straight.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Difrakt · 1268

Too long Skids has been slandered as one of the weakest investigators. No longer, for I am here to Set the Record Straight by showing you how well he can do in solo expert.

This deck is a level 0 Skids deck intended to survive early expert campaign levels, so that he can go on to unlock the incredible upgrades from the rogue5/guardian2 combined upgrade pool.

As Skids you have access to almost all of the best weapons and upgrades of the game and an acceptable stat line to boost. Furthermore once you have a measly 3 experience you unlock Streetwise which will eventually mean you will almost never have to carry any Manual Dexterity, Perception or Evidence cards ever again. Instead you can just focus your efforts and upgrades on pooling resources, which give you a far greater flexibility. Of course to reach this we will want access to Hot Streak. So in total we need 11 experience to really get to strong Skids game.

So basically we have an incredibly strong middle and end game that we're aiming for, where 3/4 tests of the game are well in hand. This leaves two questions:

1) how do we get there


2) how do we handle $willpower tests along the way

The answer to both of these questions is quite simple: Skill cards are there precisely to cover unexpected problems, and all solo investigators should rely heavily on them at least to start. The standard 8 are included in full, while we leave out Manual Dexterity since Skids is durable against physical threats already, and checks are few and far between. If really necessary we can always pitch On the Lam to swing those tests by 2-3. Perception and Evidence quickly become our flex slots after we begin acquiring Streetwise and Hot Streak.

Double or Nothing and Quick Thinking are included as action economy. Sure Quick Thinking will not always trigger, but in expert there is a very wide range of tokens to pull so the difference between 'failed outright' and 'succeeded by a lot' is actually quite small. Using QT on tests that you absolutely need to pass (and, as a result, commit a lot to) will almost guarantee you that free action. Double or nothing has a greater positive swing (if comboed with other cards) but carries a commensurate increase in risk and as such should be saved for large commit/combos.

Lone Wolf helps drive our money making even further (and makes it somewhat powerful even without Hot Streak). Dynamite is for the guaranteed damage which is always good in Expert, Leo de Luca is possibly the best card in the game for solo and is an auto-2x include for any investigator who will have him. Physical Training is the full complement to Streetwise and you should consider Adapting to include more personal workout time as your economy ramps up. Remaining cards are our weapons, good stuff ™.

With intelligent play the late-game Rogue and Guardian cards should basically carry you through later scenarios provided you work intelligently and conservatively.