Spell Slingin' Akachi Onyele!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

clique84 · 1

Well, we lost Dunwich (yeah the whole Yog-Sothoth showing up and killing everyone you love? Our bad, sorry).

We play where you add the cycle you are currently playing to the prior cycle(s) completed for deckbuilding. So this deck is built with Core, Dunwich, and Carcosa cycle cards.

We do not play Taboo, as we are newer to the game and have no trouble losing without making things more difficult.

I decided to pick Mystic, and Akachi seemed pretty strong. Decided to heavily focus on Rite of Seeking / Shrivelling as the main cards of the deck, and aggressively mulligan to get them early.

First time playing Mystic, will attempt to update as I upgrade with my thought processes / results.

Update #1:

We didn't tell the cops, and made it through scenario 1 with resoultion #2. Sadly I drew Angered Spirits during the second to last round of the game, so I have 1 physical trauma going forward.
First upgrade is getting one of the 2 Shrivellings up to the 3 xp version.