Don't Touch Me, I'm A Onyele Trick Pony

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

la_la_lasagna · 123

Essential upgrades, in order of importance:

uncage the soul x 2 -> word of command

alchemical transmutation x 2 -> alchemical 2

holy rosary x 1 -> four of cups

magik sign x 2 -> magik sign 3

sixth sense x 2 -> sixth 4

Mists of Ryle x 2 -> mist 2 -> mists 4

Rite of seeking -> rite 2 -> rite 4

scrying -> scry 3 / seal of the seventh sign

unexpected courage x 2 -> Seal of the elder sign

Deny Existence x 2 -> deny 5

ward of protection x 2 -> ward 2 -> ward 5

Further upgrades in any order :

charisma, then familiar spirit x 1 -> twiia Katherene Price

Shriveling -> shriv 3 -> shriv 5

guts x 2 -> guts 2

fearless x 2 -> fearless 2

Etherial Form x ? -> banish / Bind Monster