Oops! All Dogs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

killahgraham · 19

This is my deck for a mostly blind playthrough of Edge of the Earth with my fiancé. Is this a meme deck? Absolutely!

Like many of you I wanted to build a Sled Dog deck as soon as I saw the card. Is this the best shell for the card? Definitely not! However, as you can see the doggo density (TM) of this deck is as high as it goes. Not only do we play the full set of sled doggos but we also play both Guard Dogs as well as the goodest boi Duke for a grand total of 7 doggos.

The nice synergy between Ashcan + In The Thick of It + Desperate Skills is on display here. I'm using my 3XP to immediately purchase Charisma. Note that Duke does not take up an ally slot, so with one copy of charisma our doggo count can already reach 4-5 in a single game (2 sled + duke + guard dog or duke + 4 sled). It's very unlikely you will ever get a game with all 4 sled doggos in play, but I can dream!

This deck is trying to be well rounded for most tasks and cover for the off chance duke gets sent to a farm upstate. I want to play Sledgehammer, ok? Just in case. Inquiring Mind and Unexpected Courage for wild icons to pass any kind of test as well as Lucky! in a pinch. Calling in Favors used to retreat injured puppers (note all dogs other than duke cost 3 so the next doggo will often come out for free). Rabbit's Foot for some card draw, Look What I found for some extra Clueing, and of course no dog deck would be complete without a single copy of Lone Wolf for just a pinch of economy.

Will update as I work my way through the campaign with my partner! Likely working with Agnes, though my SO has not decided what 'gator to play yet. Cheers!