The Marie Lambeau Mysteries

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Strumwulf · 1

My 1st attempt at a Deck for Marie. We're going to be playing the Dunwich Legacy.

I swapped Painkillers for Hypnotic Gaze.

We played the first game of the Dunwich Legacy tonight, starting with the House Always Win. The investigators were Marie, Mark, Rex and Yorikck. We managed to complete the scenario with no one being defeated, rescued Dr. Francis Morgan and earned a total of 5 XP. Dr. Morgan will be added to Marie's Deck.

The XP for Marie was spent on the following cards:

 - Charisma (3 xp)
 - Song of the Dead (2 xp) replaced a Moonlight Ritual

We finished up the 2nd game of the Dunwich Legacy, Extra-Circular activities. Mark was defeated and took 1 mental trama, but the students were rescued, Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped, and we rescued Dr. Henry Armitage. A total of 3 XP was earned.

The following card has been upgraded:

 - Shrivelling (3 XP)

We failed to collect the Necronomicon from the Miskatonic Museum and were defeated the Haunting Horror. We still managed to earn 4 XP for the scenario. Rex escaped with no trama, but Yorik and Marie each take 1 physical trama, and Mark took 2nd mental trama.

The following cards have been added to Marie's deck:

 - Book of Shadows (3 XP) replaces Forbidden Knowledge
 - Spirit Athame (1 XP) replaces Knife

Ran through Essex Country Express last night. We managed to get to Dunwich with no delays and no one was defeated. We earned a total of 3 XP. Marie took 1 mental trauma getting to the Train Engine.

The following cards have been added to Marie's Deck:

 - Grounded replaced Knife (1 XP)

(12/5) Completed Blood on the Altar last night, earning a total of 4 XP, and Marie took 1 physical trauma. Marie added Powder of Ibn-Ghazi to her deck.

The following cards have been upgraded:

 - Emergency Cache has been upgraded (2 XP)
 - Blinding Light has been upgraded (2 XP)

(12/11) Completed Undimensioned and Unseen. Defeated 4 Broods of Yog-Soggoth and used Yorrick's Bury them Deep to earn 5 XP for the scenario. Marie and Mark were defeated. Marie took a Physical Trauma, while Mark took a Mental Trauma. So both investigators are being retired. I'm going to run Jenny Barnes and Akachi Onyele as replacement investigators.