Amina Zidane - Look Ma, No Spells!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 150

This deck has not been tested in any manner. It was just a fun idea that came up while deckbuilding, so mess with it to your hearts content.

No Arcane spells Mystic? What am I doing?

The Living Ink and Dream Diary are so you can customize this Investigator to the scenario needs.


1) Astral Mirror (2xp) for the extra hand slots from arcane.

2) Relic Hunter (3xp) for the accessory slot.

These two ^ are some of the first musts for this deck.

3) The Hierophant V (3xp) for the extra accessory/arcane slot.

4) Elle Rubash (2xp) for Doom mitigation and upping skills.

5) Sin-Eater (6xp) to help deal with the Doom.