Minh will be Picky

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phoenix11 · 124

This is my idea for the basic of a very BIG hand Minh. In the mulligan, you just keep lab assistant, serum, and burning the midnight oil.

The idea of the deck is getting to have LOTS of cards in your hand and, in due time, having to get AT LEAST one deduction or one Sharp vision, PLUS one extensive researches or one burning the midnight oil per turn. And of course, the Ice Pick, recurring it like crazy.

Most of the deck focus is about drawing cards, the serum and assistants help you keep them in your hand so you can recurr the ones you want. From that moment on, burning the midnight oil and extensive researches should be played fast with farsight, one per turn, essentially giving you free investigate actions or (even better) free clues. Well, after that, it's pretty a nobrainer. Don't forget the Relic Hunter for the 2 Grisly Totem!