Jim's jazz hands never fail

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cabalpaxiarch · 113

I'm not sure there's much to say about the deck. I only have one question. How do you fail exactly?

I mean... are a zero and all the other bad signs get candled to oblivion. Seal any high numbers onto protective incantation and if you're really anxious about a specific test, use Olive to make sure you ignore the . It doesn't really matter what the other two are, since 2x0 is still zero. So I ask again, how do you fail?

I used to think of father Mateo as the auto-success mystic, but Jim's jazz hands put the seal in soul music and give him a run for his money.

The upgrades are pretty self-evident. Chthonian stone and seal of the seventh sign are there just for experimentation. I wouldn't actually use them. The whole point is to get as much as possible to maximize the value of wither and sixth sense, so that can get a bit awkward with seal of the seventh sign.

Eventually you'll replace ritual candles with Nkosi Mabati at which point your spells are practically guaranteed to hit.

p.s. Just replace drawing thin with faustian bargain if you really want to play with a fully up to date taboo list.


Jan 11, 2024 Nekron314 · 1

Few points stand out. Why bother take heart and summoned servitor? Also is it just me overvaluing fearless/eureka. This list seems very strong indeed, but those little tweeks where something I changed.

Jan 11, 2024 cabalpaxiarch · 113

Honestly it's just a taste thing. You could literally add anything that fits and suits your playstyle. I've been trying out summoned servitor for a while now. It's really bad but I just keep trying. And Take Heart/Drawing Thin is is an OP combo but if you play with Taboo you can totally switch to faustian bargain and Eureka, or anything else for that matter. The point of the deck is to abuse Jim's statistical advantage with the chaos bag. Everything else is gravy.