The Lily Chen Mysteries

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

qualis · 103

Upgrade plan

  • 6xp : Stick to the Plan - Consistency.. Allows Lily to start with:

    • Emergency Cache
    • Prepared for the Worst
    • Sweeping Kick
  • 10xp : Cyclopean Hammer - Tiny Lily swings a big hammer.. Prepared for the Worst also lets you find one. At this point we don't have to worry too much about filling all our arcane slots to beef up dragon pole, so those start to go. Replaces 1x Clarity of Mind and 1x Prepared for the Worst. We only need one PotW because we find it before the game starts.

  • @16xp : Discipline (Balance of Body) - Time to get some more attacks during our turn..

  • 6xp : On the Hunt - Can be used a bit more proactively and will ensure we have something to fight. Also, helps with resource economy. Replaces Dragon Pole.

  • 6xp : On the Trail - speed and clue gathering. Replaces Drawn to the Flame

  • 8xp : Fang of Tyr'thrha - another great fight card for us to play when we really want to hit hard.. Replaces remaining Clarity of Mind and 1x Scrying.

  • @32xp : Discipline (Quiescence of Thought) - Intellect version, gives card draw and better intellect. Who doesn't like that?

  • 8xp : Brand of Cthugha (5) - Solid upgrade and nice secondary Fight.

  • 8xp : I've had Worse - Damage mitigation and resource economy. Replaces Storm of Spirits.

  • @48xp : Discipline (Prescience of Fate) - gives a small boost to combat prowess, not that we need it at this point.

    If there is still XP to spend, I guess once can upgrade Beat Cop or stick in Defensive Stance or Viscious Blow (2)