Tool Guys Don't Look At Explosions - Actual FHV play, 35XP

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1897

This is one of the decks i had when i arrived at the final scenario of my first Hemlock Vale campaign. 35XP, although it should be noted that 12XP of those were only just given out by the fifth scenario i played (bought FPK4, CK3, EC3 and OP2 with them).

This follows largely the plan outlined in my article ( but with a few notable deviations:

  • I got cold feet about not having any healing in the deck at all so i started with two Medical Students instead of a Pushed to the Limit and a Shovel in my level 0 deck. That turned out to be absolutely crucial later on, these literally saved me from defeat in two scenarios.

  • Pitchfork was incredible, so i leaned on it and never cut the second one. Fantastic weapon and particularly so in FHV which does have some scary big enemies.

  • The reliance on 2-handed weapons did mean that Microscope didn't come into play even once. I cut them both after the fourth scenario. Maybe if i had a second Tinker i could have had more success with them.

You can find an update of my original deck primer here: