Kate Winthrop is well-funded (1/2)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaturdayNightWizard · 101

Looking for suggestions/feedback.

Designed to be played 2-player with a Bob Jenkins deck, our Big Pharma representative!

  • If you're playing FHV you may want to take Death • XIII, instead of using the 1xp for Alchemical Distillation, for example.

  • Peer Review with a Survivor Investigator at your location is potentially good, because they will fail lots of things.

  • Maybe get Research Grant on Empirical Hypothesis, to help pay for things?

  • Confound is decent with Transmogrify, which should also synergize with Microscope. Bob can also help dodge - he's not terrible at it!

  • Alchemical Distillation can be used to heal horror and damage, once you upgrade it (because this is how real Scientists heal!).

  • You can give Bob a Mouse Mask.


  • Take Charisma.
  • Do what you feel...be a Scientist...