Zoe-ing solo - Solo Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pilgrim · 319

I love Zoey, she is dripping with theme. She also happens to be a favourite of mine in Eldritch Horror.

I has been said Zoey isn't great at solo, and more of a slice and dice support. However I decided to put that to the test.

The Dunwich investigators all have the ability to include 5 out of faction cards. Substituting in combat prowess is harder than investigating. There are some great cards that can be used out of the Gaurdian faction to make low investigate investigators turn pro. "Look what I found!" and Drawn to the Flame are superb. Rite of Seeking although expensive suits Zoeys high willpower and means you don't need to include Perception. Flashlight is just okay, I would consider swapping this out as the other cards fill Zoeys gaps nicely.

Obviously Machete is Zoey's weapon of choice. I included .45 Automatic as a back up, also useful if you get swamped. I'm not sold on the .45 Automatic although it gets more value in solo play as the total 8 damage can be spread into less enemies.

In my starting hand I'm looking for firstly Machete and Zoey's Cross. Milligan to get these, unfortunately with Zoey's Cross being a one off you will likely have to do without. Having the cross, Beat Cop and Machete will make you a murduring machine. You will have no need for evadeing in this deck. You'll have to use Physical Training to get outta locations or treatcherys which need 'feet'.

Levelling up Zoey? Beat Cop powered up and Zoey's Cross is huge, 2 free damage without spending an action!


Feb 12, 2017 zozo · 2971

Lovely write-up, my friend. Tiny thing - don't think Physical Training helps much with , unless I'm going mad. Or do you just mean using the boost for or to muscle your way over agility-type obstacles?

Feb 13, 2017 WSwan · 1

I've so far pretty much only played solo and Zoey is the next deck I want to build, for sure. Do you have any suggested changes for someone who doesn't have two core sets?

Feb 13, 2017 Pilgrim · 319

Thanks @zozo. You're right flighty feet cannot be bolstered by Physical Training. Zoey dosnt really need to be able to evade monsters however there are some tricky encounters and locations that could cause her grief.

@WSwan deck building with only one core set is hard (I only tried briefly and then gave into two core sets). Dunwich guardian options are kinda designed for teamwork, like, err, Teamwork. Blackjack probably isn't worth the inclusion either. So deff Machete and .45 Automatic. I'd probably not recommend Fire Axe or Kukri normally but it would be good to ensure you are drawing weapons. Then gotta think about investigating. Including the one off of Drawn to the Flame and "Look what I found!" is sensible. Definitely pop both Rite of Seeking in to aid your investigation.