Daisy's Bookmobile

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

thekinginperiwinkle · 134

Beep beep! Get the hell out of the way I have books to deliver!

I really love pathfinder and every time Daisy takes it I imagine her driving a vintage bookmobile all over the place. I thought it would be fun to role-play off of this idea and make a highly mobile Daisy whose sole mission in the game is to assist other investigators with skill bonuses, healing, card draw, and even reduced costs for items.

10 experience puts Daisy where I'm happy with the execution of this idea, and I haven't put any consideration past 10 experience.

To regress to zero experience, I would replace the leveled shortcuts with regular shortcuts, the two encyclopedias with 1 each of the other books, and the two pathfinders with just about any card you won't mind losing once you upgrade (Magnifying glasses, manual dexterity, you name it). For role-playing purposes, I would prioritize pathfinder as the first upgrade, then the encyclopedias, then the shortcuts.

I haven't played this deck yet, but as soon as I buy the Carcosa expansion and mythos packs in one fell swoop when the entire set is released this will be the first deck I try for fun.

I'm looking forward to trying it out, but if you have ideas behind the theme or maybe I'm missing an obvious include, please let me know.


Mar 16, 2018 Myriad · 1217

A couple of quick thoughts looking this over. I would probably run only 1 No Stone Unturned or cut the slots entirely for something else as you are probably not really going to need the card with Old Book of Lore.

Encyclopedia is probably okay a 1 of.

Eureka is a natural fit into this deck.

Guidance is probably a 1x unless you are on a 4 player game.

You may want to consider running two new allies to capitalize on Calling in Favors.

Otherwise, great first shot. Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

Mar 17, 2018 thekinginperiwinkle · 134

Hey, thanks for the suggestions! I think Eureka is a great idea, I will work at least one in for sure. I can't resist the possibility of dual-wielding encyclopedias, even if it is ridiculous... there's just something about it. I've never gotten much use out of old book of lore which sounds crazy but it's true, at least for my solo games and when I play with my friend.

I'm going to three hand solo with the following two jokers, who both are a bit silly as well. I like Charles Ross to help my 'associates' spend items that they more than likely will not be able to afford (they are both resource-spending builds using darkhorse). I'm thinking I will take out Astral Travel since it seems like overkill. The calling in favors seems a bit odd since my allies are both so cheap, but the idea is to quickly fill my bookmobile with books. Also, it seems like seeking answers would be a good fit for the deck.

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