Wilson Richards: Welcome to Yeet Street

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JMills · 41

Hard mulligan for Ad Hoc. Put Ad Hoc on your gravediggers shovel. Abuse Ad Hoc to essentially turn your most expensive weapons into free events. Just go full goblin mode. Chuck a sledgehammer at Dagon’s stupid face and see how you feel.


Aug 14, 2024 Fogshaper · 1

I recently played Wilson as a cluever and Ad Hoc was really just Unexpected Courage in this list, so I had been wondering what build would make Ad Hoc a more fun card. This list certainly would.

Aug 15, 2024 Lorbert · 32

Stick to the Plan with only 2 targets is kinda wasted exp...

Aug 15, 2024 Fogshaper · 1

Spending those further 5 EP to get a Dynamite Blast and a Emergency Cache for that Stick to the Plan certainly is a good idea, yea.

Aug 15, 2024 Drostt · 64

I think I would go for more draw option when you rely so strongly on one card in whole deck.

Aug 15, 2024 gw1108 · 25

Runic Axe + Ad Hoc does not work well. The costs after the colon must be paid as normal and since it's presumably not in play you cannot imbue the activation.

Relevant rule section: Some cards like Knowledge is Power or Word of Woe allow an investigator to play a card or activate an ability on an asset, "ignoring all costs." These effects only ignore the costs of initiating an ability. They do not ignore additional costs that must be paid when resolving that ability — in other words, anything "before the colon" is ignored, but any additional costs "after the colon" must be paid as normal.

Aug 16, 2024 david6680 · 63

I like the idea for this deck but think you really need a lot more card draw. Your odds of finding Ad Hoc are marginal.

You have enough weapons to contribute some even if you don't find Ad Hoc but at that point you'd be better off playing a different guardian with better stats for fighting.