Hemlock Veil Yorick - 38XP - FINISHED

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Big Bad Bill is Sweet William Now 5 3 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

PapaPiro · 2

Final Thoughts on My William Yorick Deck – The Feast of Hemlock Vale

Wrapped up the campaign with my final iteration of William Yorick, finishing with 5 bonus XP, plus 1 physical and 1 mental trauma. Overall, this deck performed well, cycling strong, cheap upgrades from the discard pile while handling threats efficiently.

The Key of Y's was a game-changer, pushing Yorick’s stats to incredible levels. In the final scenario, I had it in play the entire time with 3 horror on it, which let me go full beast mode on tests. Cherished Keepsake and Peter Sylvestre were crucial in managing horror to keep the Key active as long as possible. Leather Coat and Cherished Keepsake are perfect 0 cost upgrades to pull out of the discard pile when killing enemies for a minor heal. And when a test absolutely had to succeed, Will to Survive was a lifesaver.

The biggest weakness? Card draw. If you don’t get a solid opening hand or first few turns, you’ll feel it. We had Daisy Walker in our party with some helpful card draw abilities for others that helped mitigate this a little, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind when playing this deck. That said, the deck’s playstyle was incredibly fun—classic Yorick recursion with powerful stat boosts.

Final Rating: 8/10 – A highly enjoyable deck with great staying power and burst potential.