The Akachi Onyele Mysteries

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NYSoulPoet · 32

Received +3 XP from The House Always Wins. Plus a -1 XP cost to first spell upgraded from arcane research.

Upgraded to Book of Shadows lvl 3, removed 1 copy of Right of Seeking. Also added lvl 1 Spirit Athame and removed Ward of Protection.

Won 5 XP in Extracurricular Activities. Spent 5 on upgrading Shriveling and added another Spirit Athame. Removed 1 Rite of Seeking.

Gained 4xp from Miskatonic Museum. Upgrade my 2nd Shriveling to lvl 5.

Gained 4 XP from Essex County Express. Upgraded 2 Blinding Lights.

Replaced 1 Ritual Candle with Unexpected Courage.

Earned 4XP from Blood on the Altar.

I removed two Decorated Skulls and replaced with 2 Holy Rosaries. Removed 1 Ritual Candle and replaced with 1 Unexpected Courage. Removed 1 Drawn to the Flame and replaced with lvl1 Book of Shadows.