This deck is supported by Rex Murphy (Hard/Expert)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aneo9988 · 978

This deck is supported by Rex Murphy:

Have Rex use No Stone Unturned for the Lightning Gun and both copies of Extra Ammunition. Pour all the ammo on the Lightning Gun, then let Rex use Contraband twice: total 36 ammunition.

Wreck everything by playing both Beat Cops, Armor of Ardennes, Well Prepared (exhaust with the Armor), Reliable, and On the Hunt for those Victory Point Enemies.

Swap out Well Prepared or First Aid if you're feeling brave for a card in Heart of the Elders (you'll know the one).


Aug 08, 2018 CaiusDrewart · 3093

What if Rex doesn't draw No Stone Unturned?

Aug 08, 2018 aneo9988 · 978

I've envisioned this deck to be used in a standalone Lost in Time and Space where you have a couple turns of set-up, but this is where Rex's Cryptic Research and Eureka! come in. Worst-case, Mark can always punch things and take damage to draw a card with Sophie's ability to pull out the gun.

Aug 08, 2018 Django · 5032

You should add Teamwork to this deck to steal some ressources from rex.

Then rename this deck to "Sponsored by Murphy Inc."

Aug 08, 2018 Starking177 · 1

It seems exceedingly risky to only have a single weapon in your whole deck. Especially in Dunwich, any single mill card could discard your only weapon, Also crypt chill, pushed into the beyond..etc.

Aug 09, 2018 CecilAlucardX · 10

Why the Armor? You can't use it's ability and Mark's draw at the same time. Seems like an expensive version of Bulletproof Vest except the armor has slightly better icons, which you could add in Physical Training to proc Well Prepared.