Finn Edwards Eternal Slumber Standalone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

monorico · 224

This deck I tried to focus a little more on Fin being able to kill stuff if he needs too. And relying on Lola Santiago to come out and boost his evade and intellect up to 5, so he could passively do investigate and evading if needed.

I also am trying the combo of Take Heart and Live and Learn, so that I can fail, get cards and resources, then take the test again with +2.

I also like the idea of Live and Learn in combo with cards like BackStab, Waylay, Double or Nothing, since you DON'T want to fail them.


Aug 29, 2018 monorico · 224

I also thought Take Heart would be good in a Finn Deck for willpower tests... since you are going to fail them anyway, might as well Take Heart:)