Carolyn, is that a cat you're hypnotizing there???

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Freeman · 5


First things first: this is a deck meant to be player on normal difficulty, on multiplayer. It will not perform well on solo, nor nearly as good in a two player game as in a 3-4 player game. After all, Carolyn is supposed to be a support character.

The promo Carolyn from the book was difficult to play because his signature asset (Foolishness) was expensive, hard to be healed and occupied the Ally slot, while her treachery could be devastating in some scenarios. Now that we know her "official" version, you can play her with the regular signature cards or, what's funnier, in addition to the replacement cards!!! (On a particular note, I should add that I love the art from the promo and take it anyday over the official one, even if I also love the "Dixit style" from her new weakness)


This deck is meant to be played with Foolishness and To fight the black wind, as well as Hypnotic Therapy and Rational thought. Hypnotic Therapy is amazing in conjunction with Carolyn's ability and will allow us to heal up Foolishness back to sanity in a blink. As for the drawback of including two treacheries from the get go, we've packed some tricks up the sleeve to try and deal with them.

This is how the deck works: Carolyn is meant to be played as a seeker (her main role is to gather clues), but make no mistake: she's not a Rex, nor a Daisy, and will never be as efficient as them at collecting clues. On the other hand, Carolyn will support the group in aspects seekers cannot perform as efficiently as her: making sure they'll never ever die from physical damage or horror, as well as providing them with precious resources (and now with card draw included for free!!!).

Onto the cards:

ASSETS: these cards are the bread and butter of the built, as the allies and talents play the fundamental role of boosting our stats up in order to accomplish our tasks proficiently.

2x Medical Texts: Yeah, I know this is a terrible card. Inefficient and dangerous, I know. These were actually two Magnifying glasses in my previous Carolyn "Foolishness deck", but I decided to cut the glasses because of Hypnotic Therapy: since we'll need to make intellect tests anyway to activate the Therapy, we won't profit from the glasses' bonus, so we may as well cut the glasses and include the book, because we'll have a high intellect stat. I used to pack Emergency Aid for healing purposes (which is more cost efficient), but I realised I needed more healing power in 3-4 player games if no other player brought healing along. And I could bring First Aid also, but it only has 3 uses (again, not much for multiplayer), while the texts are unlimited. There's also the advantage of freeing up deck space with just one card to do all the healing, instead of several events/assets. Of course, passing tests above normal difficulty should not be taken for granted, so on a higher level I certainly would abandon those ones for First Aids or Emergency Aids. If you're going to cut them, find another object for Carolyn to use her hands, such as the Glasses or the Flashlights if you can't afford anymore out of class cards. Some people pack Machetes and/or .45s, and this is a respectable choice under some circumstances, but we're not choosing the combat building here. Can be upgraded to First Aid (3), in order to have more mystic/seeker cards (such as Magnifying Glass (1)), and the upgraded version of First Aid is definitely worth it with Carolyn.

2x Shrivelling: Carolyn needs some self-defense if she runs into trouble. Shrivelling is perfect also because it could trigger horror, which we will use in our benefit. Sadly, there's no level 1 version of Shrivelling, so you run out of options for offensive spells once you get experience, but if offensive power is not a must, you can always replace them for the awesome Protective Incantation (1), which are certainly expensive, but luckly Carolyn often swims in money and should afford them perfectly. These will also fit in her support role very nicely, and you'll be the cleric everyone wants their friends to be in the party, but they'll never pick themselves because warriors, thieves and wizards are cooler.

2x St. Hubert's Key: those are made for Carolyn (as they happen to heal horror under specific circumstances, they're not taking any precious mystic slots). We'll use both of its bonuses for intellect and willpower tests, it is cheap, and it really doesn't compete with anything interesting for the relic slot from the get go. It's a card to look for in our mulligans. Make sure your group knows you're taking them, as it is a unique asset. Can be upgraded later on to Key of Ys (5), but honestly it's not a priority.

1x Alyssa Graham: in previous tests runs, I packed her 2x, because she's our main defense against To fight the black wind (just exhaust Alyssa before drawing to prevent you from drawing it, if the scenario will crush you with a long agenda that deals damage frecuently, you'll take the doom and place it at the bottom, or even better, play a shuffling card, such as Calling in Favors or No Stone Unturned). After testing, I realized that bringing along Dr. Milan Christopher is even better, because one Calling Favors can find Alyssa with the good doctor, or the doctor with Alyssa, neating two powerful allies instead of just one repeated. If the scenario is not a problem for To fight the black wind, just draw it and deal with it quickly. Fortunately, Rational Thought is not nearly as bad most of the times, because we've packed heavy horror healing here. Like, in spades. Usually, her ability is so good (plus her invaluable bonus and horror soak) that I don't cut her for anyone else when I have experience.

1x Dr. Milan Christopher: besides everything said about him above, we'll say that our doctor is an early game card, in order to support our economy. Later on, once you've found other combo pieces to generate income, you've basically become as rich as Scrooge McDuck and you may cut the Dr. for Brother Xavier (1), which can soak up more damage and horror, deal precious damage upon leaving, and will free another slot for mystic/seeker cards. Yep, you'll lose +1 intellect for +1 willpower, but usually it won't make a huge difference on normal. And, of course, we pack the doctor and Calling in Favors in order to help us quickly finding Foolishness and putting him into play.

1x Foolishness: who doesn't love a nice cat? Well, you can leave the room if you don't, good sir/madam. Foolishness is a mediocre card in three situations: first, when you can't heal him: he becomes just another Unexpected Courage, which is not bad, but far from the power of other signature cards, so such a waste... Second, when you build Carolyn just to be a seeker, so you're not really getting much from every bonus Foolishness grants to the rest of the attributes. Third, when you start the game and you can just have in play one ally. In this situation, you'll actually get more from any regular ally like Peter Sylvestre, the doctor or Alyssa. BUT, once you get your hands on your first Charisma (3) (and this should be your first choice once you get a piece of experience), if you can have in play any one ally plus Foolishness, you're in your way to become a powerhouse, because, for instance, St. Hubert's Key + Peter Sylvestre (2) + Foolishness fully healed will give Carolyn: 6, 6, 3, 4. Except for combat, not bad at all, and you can also pack other cards in other to boost combat if need be, but this is just our built with Charisma and Peter Sylvestre (2). Adding another Charisma and either Alyssa or the Dr. will bring us up to 7 intellect, more than enough to pass any Medical Text and Hypnotic Therapy tests we need on normal. In a pinch, our cat may be used as horror soak, but this will rarely happen, having Peter or Alyssa onboard. TL;DR: Foolishness is excellent once you get your first Charisma (even better with the second) and you build around him.

2x Peter Sylvestre: our big man in campus serves three purposes here: first, as with the other allies, helping us finding Foolishness thanks to Calling in Favors. Second, excellent bonus provider as soon as we upgrade him to his level 2 version (This is our second priority, after having our first Charisma, because he's just so good). Third and most important: awesome income generator for us, either on his own, or with the amazing help from Forbidden Knowledge (both copies 2x in order to make sure it happens).

1x Arcane Studies: Again, I know this is a terrible card, generally speaking: expensive and low. But, remember, Carolyn is known to be the richest psychologist around (at least, in Arkham), so not only can she afford it whenever she wants, she'll often need it to secure tests while we bring online other combo pieces, like healing Foolishness. We want to discover clues for granted, as well as activating Hypnotic Therapy and Medical Texts (if you were brave enough to bring them instead of the Magnifying glass). Arcane Studies will also provide a little bonus if we want to cast Shrivelling, take a drink from our Liquid Courage or maybe pass a treachery skill test based on willpower. When we need to pass those tests at will, substituing this for a couple of skill cards won't work. We are actually maximizing uses here, and once dying because of sanity or damage is ruled out, it suddenly doesn't seem like you're wasting a precious action putting this into play. Of course, can be upgraded to the RotNotZ level 2, but why bother? Money is not your problem, and a discount is all you get, besides an extra skill icon, not worth it. Blood pact is out of your league, and Grounded (1) has actually anti-synergy with Carolyn, so we'll make do with what we have.

1x Fieldwork This is a very good card, and I'm tempted to cut any other thing to make it 2x, but one copy should suffice most of the times if you find it soon. To be upgraded early on to the awesome Pathfinder (1), and once you cut other limited cards, Pathfinder 2x.

2x Forbidden Knowledge: so good it replaces the standard Emergency Cache, as with either version of Peter Sylvestre, this will neat us 2 resources per turn, giving us a possible total of 16 resources with both copies. In general, not to be replaced by anything.

1x Hyperawareness: this could be a second copy of Arcane Studies, except I realised that with this built I needed to cover up our agility weakness: even with Peter and Foolishness, it will add up to four, which is nothing to write home about and will fall to some treacheries, because in this built, we didn't pack any single skill card giving us agility, and the rest of the cards have just 4 icons, some of which we cannot afford to commit (Fieldwork, Hyperawareness itself and Dodge 2x). Again, not to be upgraded immediately, because Higher Education would certainly rock and do wonders with this built, now that Carolyn may draw after healing horror, but very unfortunately, out of our league because of the extra experience pipes (3). Such a pity, but no one said being a Psychologist that talks to a cat was easy. On the other hand, this will leave us with just one weak point, which is strength, and in order to cover it, we fortunately can purchase Keen Eye (3), which doesn't take up any card slot and will fix our final weak point as well as reinforcing intellect even more if need be. What's not to love? Yeah, I know: not being able to purchase Higher Education definitely is.

1x Liquid Courage: this is a weak card, and one to be cut once we get some spare influence, but it made it here because we need it in order to heal up Foolishness. That's also another reason we brought Arcane Studies along, to double dip whenever possible (just remember you don't get 2 resources, as the second healing is not considered a second action). May be upgraded to Kerosene, which is more expensive and circumstancial, but also non dependant on skill checks and may heal up other allies than Foolishness.

EVENTS: just some tools in order to get us out of trouble...

2x Dodge: this card is a staple from the Guardian class that also finds a place with Carolyn, particularly having in mind that she's no tank and rather fragile. Cheap, life saver, and may save the life of other investigators at your location, too. Works against Elite enemies (which are often inmune to other events/effects) and what more can I say? I'd pack Dynamite blast also, but just because Carolyn is physically weak and we may screw it up and take damage with the Medical Texts, we play safe and not risk anymore. Sadly, they cannot be upgraded to the awesome I've had worse (4), again because of level restrictions. Dammit, Carolyn is always one experience level away from the funnier toys. Oh, and if you're thinking about purchasing the amazing Stick to the plan (3 exceptional), you should know that there's no one single supply card on the deck, and just one tactic: the Dodge we're talking about. But look at it this way: those are 6 XP you can spend elsewhere.

2x Logical Reasoning: the utility of this card depends a lot on the possibility of having Terror cards in the encounter deck. Again, this could be awesome and very thematic if Rational Thought would be a Terror card that Logical Reasoning could get rid of. Sadly, it is not. Anyway, even if you cannot get rid of any terror card, using it in combination with Hypnotic Therapy to heal up 3 horror in one go will make you happy nonetheless. Doesn't take up a seeker slot, and the triggering condition should never be a problem to meet. Obviously here in order to heal up Foolishness in a blink.

2x No Stone Unturned: well, another staple from seekers, here it serves three purposes: first, find our key cards (such as Foolishness, Peter, St. Hubert's Key or Alyssa), second, find the cards we need in a hurry (such as the talents if we face treacheries testing agility or willpower; or Shrivelling if we need to deal damage), and finally to reshuffle our deck if/when a terrible card such as To fight the black wind is about to be drawn, so don't be eager to use it to find allies (you already have Calling in favors in order to do so) nor anything that is not particularly interesting. Also, don't forget it can also be played to help your partners get their tools online. You're here to help the rest, remember. So good that there's no need to upgrade it.

2x Ward of Protection: a staple from mystics, this will get Carolyn out of trouble if we are meant to test strength or agility with terrible consequences and we're not ready. Receiving horror is almost a bonus, because this will turn into sweet money and cards once healed up, and trust me, you'll have no trouble to do it.

SKILL CARDS: Everyone of the skill cards are present here in order to heal up Foolishness. In another built without him, I'd cut them all and replace them for something different.

2x Fearless: this is a simple, and cheap way to heal up ourselves some horror, at the cost of not being very flexible: if we cut Liquid Courage and Shrivelling, then we better cut this too, but remember it's not taking up mystic slots, so careful. Could be upgraded to Fearless (2) or replaced by Unexpected Courage for more flexibility once we get other means to heal horror efficiently.

2x Inspiring Presence: it is really a pity that, except from Alyssa, we cannot benefit from the readying part of the effect, but other than that, this is excellent to heal up the Beat Cops that your guardian friends will bring to the party, or even Foolishness (although this is not strictly necessary to heal him, I know). Also, flexible enough. Can be upgraded to something else different, such as Reliable (1) in order to drink and read more safely, or even Stand Together (3).

2x Perception: not much to be explained here: as we need to investigate most of the time, and trigger Hypnotic Therapy and Medical Texts sometimes, perception is meant for us. Could be replaced for Deduction, especially having in mind that we have a good amount of card draw here, but we need to find place for more seeker slots previously.


1x Random Basic Weakness: nothing to comment here, except the fact that, as with Agnes, Treacheries that will deal you horror will mostly improve your investigator, while treacheries that will deal you physical damage will wreak you. Good luck...

1x To Fight the Black Wind: as stated before, this treachery will vary from mildly annoying (if you draw it the turn the agend was about to advance anyway or when the group is about to advance the Act if this will cause the Agenda to advance, etc.) to heavily punishing. Control it thanks to Alyssa + reshuffling or placing it at the bottom (you'd take the doom all the same with Carolyn if you draw it as your last action or in the Upkeep Phase). If you draw it with your one o second action, you should be able to control it most of the times: remember, you're here to take care of everyone's sanity and that's what you're supposed to do to counter To fight the black wind anyway.

1x Hypnotic Therapy: this talent alone brings Carolyn to the next level: it can complement Foolishness, but I suspect it will be even better without it and the extra Treachery. Cheap, enhancing her ability, drawing you cards and dealing with her own treachery. What else can you ask for? (Yeah, yeah, Higher Education, I know).

1x Rational Thought: honestly, with the amount of healing we've packed up here, this will be a minor annoyance and shouldn't last more than a turn. In the mid-late game, this won't even bother you, as your main job will be done by then.

FINAL (rational) THOUGHTS:

And this is it. Carolyn is a difficult character to build (there are lots of possible builts for her, most of them interesting and intriguing) and a difficult character to play sometimes. Notably, she doesn't scale up as quickly nor as powerful as other characters, mainly due to her limitations in all her three classes. It would've helped immensely if she had access at least to guardian weapons above level 0, or guardian cards level 0-5, but alas... She can perform as a decent/very good "cleric" for the group and seldom the party will regret having her aboard. The lack of almighty cards will be noticed only at the endgame, but I play her for the fun, not to incarnate a deity able to crush anything the encounter throws at you. In any case, I'm dying to see what cards will be released for her in The Circle Undone and in subsequently packs. I hope you have as much fun playing her as I did building her deck!!!


Dec 13, 2018 HolySorcerer · 1

Carolyn only has access to Seeker/Mystic 1 unless it heals horror, so she can't take a lot of the upgrades you are suggesting.

Dec 14, 2018 Freeman · 5

You're totally right, I don't know why I tought she had access to seeker/mystic 2, but actually the only illegal upgraded I suggested were Deduction (2), and maybe Blinding Light (2), the rest were either legal (Fearless), or not recommended (Song of the dead, Encyclopedia, Counterspell, etc.). Sorry for the confusion, those references are now edited. In my defense, I'll say that I play her right when I upgrade her. Thanks for commenting!

Dec 14, 2018 Freeman · 5

Oh, and I was definitely suggesting Ward of protection (2), I'll remove that one, too. Such a pity :)

Dec 17, 2018 kgriffin66642 · 1

That title is great!

Dec 18, 2018 Freeman · 5

Thank you! I smiled while picturing Carolyn trying to use Hypnotic Therapy on Foolishness.