Attach this card to the location with the most clues among those that do not have a Locked Door attached.
- If all revealed locations don't have any clues on them, you can choose to attach Locked Door to an unrevealed location.
Rivelazione - Assegna la Porta Sbarrata al luogo con più indizi a cui non sia già stata assegnata una Porta Sbarrata.
Non puoi indagare nel luogo con questa sventura.
: Effettua una prova di (4) per sfondare la porta o una prova di (4) per scassinare la serratura. Se hai successo, scarta la Porta Sbarrata.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Can someone please fix the error in the description text. The icon is messed up for the first test.
It should say: Test [Combat Icon] (4) but says Test [Willpower Icon] (4) instead.
Right now it reads:
"Revelation - Attach to the location in play with the most clues, and without a Locked Door attached. The attached location cannot be investigated. : Test [Willpower Icon] (4) to break down the door or [Agility Icon] (4) to pick the lock. If you succeed, discard Locked Door. Dimitri Bielak Core Set #174. Locked Doors #1-2."
It should read:
"Revelation - Attach to the location in play with the most clues, and without a Locked Door attached. The attached location cannot be investigated. : Test [Combat Icon] (4) to break down the door or [Agility Icon] (4) to pick the lock. If you succeed, discard Locked Door. Dimitri Bielak Core Set #174. Locked Doors #1-2."