
Intuizione. Ricerca.

Costi: 0.


Solo mazzo di Mandy Thompson.

Rimescola la Prova Occultata nel tuo mazzo.

Quando cerchi nel tuo mazzo e la Prova Occultata si trova tra le carte in cui stai cercando, rivelala: Pescala e scopri 1 indizio nel tuo luogo. (Massimo 1 capacità Ricerca per ricerca.)

Katherine Dinger
I Divoratori di Sogni #8.
Prova Occultata


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Does it work when you search your deck due to a weakness or another scenario card effect, not triggered directly by your cards or assets in play? Can't think of other examples besides Through the Gates right now, but nonetheless.

chrome · 59
Yes. Be delighted, should you ever draw "Through the Gates" as Mandy's RBW. It's search can even be canceled by "Shocking Discovery". — Susumu · 372
I find the wording confusing. I assume the way it plays is that, when you draw it, you shuffle it back into your deck immediately (so it is dead draw). If you uncover it during a search, you find a clue, then shuffle it back into your deck. Is this interpretation correct? — LivefromBenefitSt · 1073
No, shuffling it back is not immediate. While it's in your hand, it can be played for 0 resources as an action to reshuffle it. If you find it during a search, you get a clue; then, you can spend an action to put it back, to find with another search. — zrayak · 87