- Q: Regarding Earthly Serenity, if I succeed by 2, can I spend 2 charges to heal damage/horror to different investigators at my location? For example, heal me for 1 damage and heal my teammate for 1 horror? A: Yes. Earthly Serenity (1) specifies that “for each point” you succeed by, you may spend 1 to heal 1 from an investigator. “For each” allows you to choose different targets to heal 1 from.
Supporto. Arcano
Costi: 2. XP: 4.
Utilizzo (6 cariche).
: Effettua una prova di (0). Per ogni punto di cui hai successo, puoi spendere 1 carica per curare 1 danno oppure 1 orrore a un investigatore nel tuo luogo. Se hai successo di 0 punti, perdi 2 risorse.

Carte Correlate
- Earthly Serenity (1) (Ai Confini della Terra, Espansione Investigatori #117)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This is in some ways worse than Earthly Serenity (1), since any high negative chaos token will bring your skill value down to 0 and you will succeed by 0 and lose 2 resources. With Earthly Serenity (1) you would instead fail and not loose any resources.
While test on Earthly Serenity (4) is very slightly easier and you have two charges more it does not really outweigh the more severe punishment and easier to encounter punishment, especially on higher difficulties.