


Massimo 1 investimento per prova di abilità.

Puoi investire Farsi Coraggio in qualsiasi tipo di prova.

Se questa prova fallisce, l'investigatore che la effettua pesca 2 carte e ottiene 2 risorse.

Andreia Ugrai
Stella Clark #19.
Farsi Coraggio


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How good is Take Heart in 2024? Does it still deserve to be a staple or is it another casualty of the ever-expanding card pool?

Imagine a hypothetical 0-cost event that draws 2 cards and gains 2 resources. That would compare favorably to Emergency Cache (2), and be a solid card at 2 XP or close to an auto-include at 0 XP. So how does the real Take Heart compare to this hypothetical event?


  • To "play" it as an action you need an available test you can fail, most reliably an investigation.
  • You suffer the effects of a failed test, such as Haunted abilities or random chaos token effects.
  • Sometimes a +1, , or will accidentally succeed the test and waste the card entirely.


So where does that leave us overall?

If you can reliably fail investigations without horrible consequences, Take Heart is still a very strong card. Baseline, this means an investigator with 2 or less. Any higher and you're having to wait around for higher-shroud locations or roll the dice on dodging 0 tokens. But even with 0-2, any of the following could make it much worse:

  • A teammate going into tokens.
  • Playing The Circle Undone campaign (just don't do it).
  • Particularly punishing failure effects on , , or . This is the hardest one to plan around, but even in the worse cases you're usually only looking at 10-20% chances of meaningful consequence, and if it's a forced test you're not increasing your risk at all.

So those are the factors that could make Take Heart worse. What factors make it better?

  • While low is the most reliable way to use it, low defensive stats increase the odds of getting to freeroll it off a treachery. This makes it marginally better for someone with low like Silas Marsh, and much better for someone with low stats across the board like Charlie Kane or Carson Sinclair.
  • It's best when soak is your main way to survive troublesome treacheries, compared to passing tests or canceling the cards.
  • If you're building around other fail-matters or difficulty increases, it goes from good to amazing.

There are places where Take Heart is obviously great, but consider it the next time you find yourself playing Agnes Baker or "Ashcan" Pete! Maybe you can even find space for it in Zoey Samaras or Daniela Reyes. And Hank Samson is just around the corner...

obsidiandice · 108
Hi! I know this is a little late, but I'm about to play Preston Fairmont in The Circle Undone (bought the campaign and have left it sealed until I play it with my friends, so I'm going in totally blind) - is there a spoiler-free way as to why this is really bad in that Campaign? Just really damaging "On fail" Symbols? — Marymatician · 127
Hi, me from two months ago! The reason OP warns against The Circle Undone is because the core mechanic of the campaign punishes failure on investigation tests, similar to Retaliate. However, Take Heart is still an amazing card in your deck, and has become one of your favourite cards overall, an incredibly strong pick. — Marymatician · 127