Rex Murphy
The Reporter


Reporter. Cursed.

  • 3
  • 4
  • 2
  • 3
Salute: 6. Sanità Mentale: 9.

When you would either place 1 of your clues on your location, or add 2 tokens to the chaos bag: Do the other instead. (This can still satisfy the cost of an ability.)

effect: +2 for each token revealed during this test. Draw 1 card for each token revealed during this test.

"Oh, come on, not again!"
Cristi Balanescu
A Caccia di Risposte #78.

Rex Murphy - Retro


Deck Size: 30.

Deckbuilding Options: Seeker cards () level 0-3, Cursed and Gambit cards level 0-4, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to five other Rogue cards () level 0.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Search for the Truth, Rex's Curse, 1 random basic weakness.

Deckbuilding Restrictions: No Fortune or Blessed cards (unless they are also Cursed).

When disaster strikes, Rex Murphy is usually on hand, suffering the consequences. After spending a day with Rex, even the most hardened skeptic will concede that the man is cursed. Anytime he had a lead on a good story, something would go wrong, like that business in Innsmouth with the photographs that blew out to sea. His terrible fortune has more than once exposed him to gruesome beasts and occult conspiracies. To survive, Rex has developed an inquisitive mind, keeping one step ahead of the next disaster.
Rex Murphy
Rex Murphy
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