Jenny Barnes (Solo Campaign after Extracurricular Activity)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1179

In the last episode Jenny failed The Night of Zealot. This time she'll attempt to tackle the Dunwich series of scenarios. The starting deck is the exact same as earlier.

The House Always Wins: R2. Jenny managed to rescue Dr. Morgan. Curiously, she ended the scenario with herself at two health and Dr. Morgan at one health, but with zero horror. At one point she had to contend with Clover Club Pit Boss, O'Bannion's Thug and Stubborn Detective at the same time. Jenny wanted slay the Servant of the Lurker, but another vile abomination spawned on top of it and then it definitely was time to bail. Fortunately, the Searching for Izzie was drawn just before the starting location ceased to exist, so the problem solved itself. In summary, it was an easy scenario for Jenny, who had money to gamble with and friends to swap for clues. (That being said, discarding Leo De Luca at the Clover Club Lounge was likely a misplay.)

Extracurricular Activity: R3. Jenny defeated the boss and with style! She threw Alchemical Concoction at it, coupled with Double or Nothing. 14 damage in one attack is Jenny's new personal record and she's even more proud of it because that the very same turn she had dispatched Wizard of Yog-Sothoth, who spawned on her just moments earlier. All that was possible because "Jazz" Mulligan appeared on his own without Jenny needing to spend time to gather and use clues to discard encounters. Jenny thus had ample time to go to the labs for the concotion and search the dormitories. All in all, Jenny knew when to push her luck. On the downside Professor Warren was nowhere to be found.


Jun 06, 2017 Synisill · 790

How did this smart lady escape the threat of combatting THREE enemies at once in the gambling hall? I know of another investigator who is rumored to be superlucky, but Jenny must have some very powerful spirit of protection, too. I have heard that finding this lazy janitor is commonly compared to searching needles in a haystack, and rightful so, you took a great risk when throwing this concotion at the giant half-insect!

Jun 06, 2017 Magnificate · 1179

Jenny had to score 8 Intellect, which sounds hard with base 3 Intellect, but triple boost from Streetwise does the job quite well.

As for the earlier ruffians, Jenny dealt with them in the usual stabby manner, although not before she got roughed up herself.