Death by 1,000 Clues

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

OutsidetheGamebox · 31

Uses Alice Luxley to deal damage while doing what Rex does best... Clues! If Disc and Scavenging are both online, enemy management improves even more! Discard the enemies you draw, ping damage on enemies teammates draw and the scenario throws at you. 9xp for one offs. if starting campaign, strategy the same... just miss out on extra ally slot and the Discs really...


Feb 06, 2020 Lucaxiom · 4103

You have next to no economy for a deck that costs 49 resources total. Most of your boosts are in your most expensive cards, meaning you're unlikely to succeed by two or more on investigations until late into a scenario. This is exacerbated by Rex's Curse, which you're going to see a lot if you use Mr. "Rook" often and will further strangle your clue-gathering potential. And what clues you do get, two of them are going back should you use Forewarned.

You have a grand total of six items, only three of which are likely to be found in your discard pile; Lantern and two Discs. This means that Scavenging will almost never see use, and even if it does, that's even more expenses you cannot afford.

As for enemy management; Disc of Itzamna is entirely at odds with your damaging cards (Alice Luxley, Occult Lexicon, Lantern, and "I've got a plan!"). You got two competing strategies for handling enemies, and hardly any evade to make use of Alice Luxley without taking attacks of opportunity.

...On he plus side, I can see what you're doing; enemy management and resources through searching your deck. This might not even be a half bad deck on Mandy Thompson, who's the queen of deck-searching. As it stands though, this deck will fail you quite often. Tone down the enemy-hate and tone up the economy and boosts.