Agnes Baker all alone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

beatsmd · 50

Comments and suggestions are much appreciated—I'm here to learn.

This is my first attempt to construct a deck designed for single-investigator (i.e., one-handed) play. A quick Google search revealed that nearly every investigator in the core set is recommended by someone as a great option for one-handed play, but I went with Agnes because of her high willpower and access to multiple spells that can make up for low intellect and combat.

Built For: Night of the Zealot: The Gathering


Limitations: Core Set only

Assets: Spells, including Scrying and Shrivelling, are perhaps Agnes's most important assets. The former gives her some control over the encounter deck (or her own deck, if she needs it), and the latter is one of her best options in combat. Baseball Bat can help in combat as well, and Leather Coat bolsters her health. Flashlight is great when investigating locations with a shroud value of 1 or 2 (i.e., giving her automatic success).

Events: "Look what I found!" and Lucky! can work together nicely to generate clues, and Drawn to the Flame means automatic success when at a location with 2 clues. Blinding Light gives Agnes a way to evade and damage enemies at the same time. Emergency Cache is an all-around great event that provides resources.

Skills: Fearless can heal horror, which offsets the fact that many other cards generate horror. Unexpected Courage is an all-around great skill.


Feb 06, 2020 Lucaxiom · 3984

Point of contention; "Look what I found!"/Lucky! don't work together. Lucky! triggers before the test resolution, and "Look what I found!" triggers after. First Lucky! occurs, which modifies the test's outcome, which then, if the test is now successful, means that "Look what I found!"'s failure condition is no longer met.

As for the rest of your deck... you don't really have much freedom of choice with only the core sets, so there's not many recommended changes that can be made. However, I will give kudos to you for being one of the few new players to realise that two copies of cards is much more optimal than one copy of twice as many cards. Good job.

Finally, play solo-handed on easy mode. It's really punishing when you can only be in one place at any one time.