Wendy Adams HELP!!!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wendy Adams Dunwich start 2 1 0 2.0

Nickotine42 · 14

Noobie looking for some help with Wendy Adams. True solo. I'm struggling with NOTZ Midnight Mask. I just can't seem to find clues fast enough. And when the baddies come out, I can't seem to clear them either. I'm lucky to get 2x Cultist in the VP before it strikes Midnight. I'd like to move onto Dunwich, but want to make sure I have a slightly more successful time.

I'm not sure if Dark Horse or Fire Axe are doing me and favors. There is natural synergy, however, it seems difficult to generate the cash to feed Fire Axe to make it's buff worth it. And those tend to come up before I draw my Backstab and Sneak Attack so I never have cash for those.

I'm having fun, but feel like the deck is just a jumbled mess right now. I'd love some feedback before I press onward to Dunwich.

Trying to limit myself to Core and Dunwich only.

Lita is also there. I forgot to add her the first time. :) She is tough to find.

Thank you!


May 30, 2020 Lucaxiom · 3983

Alright, let's see if I can provide sound advice:

Looking at the deck, nothing jumps out as a glaring problem; it's a well rounded deck, you have an answer for many of the things the Midnight Masks will throw at you, and you've learnt to double up on most if not all of your cards, as opposed the classic rookie mistake of taking all singletons.

What is holding you back is a lot of minor drawbacks and nusiances that accumulate into that feeling of 'a jumbled mess', as it denies you and I the ability to point at any one card or gorup of cards and say "that's the problem!". Instead, we're going to iron out those creases in your deck, one at a time, in no particular order.

Starting with resources. Rough rule of thumb; you're deck should have a net expense of 33 resources, AKA the number of cards in your deck. Why? It is desirable to not spend actions on drawing cards or gaining resources, as those are poor exchange rates of your precious actions into cards and money. Not performing said actions leaves you with the drip economy of the upkeep phase, where every card comes with one resource to spend, and you start with 5 resources on your starting hand of 5 cards. In conclusion, if your deck is comprised of 33 1-cost cards, you could go the full game without needing to take time aside to re-fill your hand or resource-pool; a desriable outcome.

Your deck has a gross cost of 46, and a net of 13 resources (46-33=13). As you can already see, this will cause problems. I stress that it IS a rough rule of thumb, due to the following:

  • You have 7 cards worth of card-draw through your skill cards, plus Pickpocketing. These cards don't come with a resource stipend, so that's actually 7 more resources you'll need than normal, minimum.
  • Emergency Cache returns 6 resources back.
  • Fire Axe has an initial cost, but then a continuous drain on resources forever after.
  • You'll likely only play one copy of Leo De Luca, meaning you don't need to pay the other 5 resources of the second copy.
  • Wendy's Amulet can and will double up the cost of some of your events, including the pricey ones of Backstab, Sneak Attack, and "Look what I found!".

Taken all together, I suspect your resource deficiency is even worse than 13 resources, which means, to pay for your whole deck, you would need to spend a whopping 13+ actions gaining resources. That, or commit many of your assets and events to tests instead of using them for their primary purpose.

So, how to fix this:

First off, don't use Fire Axe and Dark Horse. You now know why is it difficult to generate the cash to feed Fire Axe. Plus... it Wendy Adams we're talking about here. 1 will require immense investments of icons to get to a decent amount, and frankly, it's not worth it.

And second, take Lone Wolf... I mean really, double your drip economy with no downside in true solo? It's an auto-include for those who can take it.

Now your clue problem. Flashlight, "Look what I found!", and Newspaper were all good choices, through I'm surprised you didn't double up on a second copy of Newspaper; The Midnight Masks is a Newspaper's dream come true, with mutiple activiations of its effect.

To expand your clue-gathering potential, I'd take Double or Nothing (assuming you're not playing with the Taboo List, and you shouldn't be this early into your Arkham Horror LCG career.) Why this card, given it's not specific to clue-gathering? If you can reduce the difficulty of any test to zero, then you succeed on any token except the tentacles, no matter what your skill value is, because negative modifiers cannot reduce your final value below zero, and you'd need zero or above to succeed. Now, if you had, say, Flashlight and a 2 shroud location, you have a difficulty 0 test on your hands. You play Double or Nothing. The test remains at difficulty 0 (as 0*2 = 0), and if you succeed, you resolve 'getting a clue' twice. Voila; extra clue-gathering.

And you might as well take Perception as well, certainly over Overpower.

Finally, your enemy problem. On Midnight Masks, or indeed any scenario with cultists, this is never not going to be a problem for Wendy Adams, as her high agility can't remove doom. True solo is hard; every investigator falls short in as least one respect, so there will exist situations you can't deal with no matter who you play. Backstab and Sneak Attack is a valiant attempt to assuage this issue, but 4 cards out of 33 won't be enough.

If you're absolutely set on doing The Midnight Masks with Wendy Adams in true solo, then I have three card recommendations:

  • Close Call is a guaranteed 'kill' that does allow you to use evasion to remove doom off the field.
  • Aquinnah (3) (the Dunwich version, not the core version) allows you to walk up to any one-health enemy (you know the ones I'm taking about) get engaged, then go about your business, trigger an attack of opportunity, Aquinnah (3) plays an uno reverse card and that enemy kills himself; no action or test required, expensive in terms of resources and xp, but the results speak for themselves.
  • Elusive might at well be called 'teleport', for what it can do. If you're starting to get swamped by enemies, this card can get you out of trouble, and into locations with clues.

Any of these could replace Oops!, which isn't going to be useful since most enemies you face will have 3 attack, meaning you're most likely to fail by three points with Wendy Adams.

And that's it. Let me know how it goes, and I wish you the best of luck.