Amanda Sharpe's Gloved Friend

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Devan · 13

An endgame, clue finding Amanda Sharpe for use in a party that already has plenty of monster killing abilities.

Experience spending order:
1 - Unrelenting
1 - Unrelenting
3 - Dream Diary
4 - Strange Solution
5 - Red Gloved Man
3 - Archaic Glyphs
2 - Protecting the Anirniq
2 - Protecting the Anirniq
2 - Deduction
2 - Deduction
2- Perception
2- Perception
5 - Red Gloved Man
3 - Archaic Glyphs
3 - Pathfinder
2 - Cryptic Writings


Dec 09, 2021 Valentin1331 · 57343

That's a nice deck, the synergy between The Red-Gloved Man and Protecting the Anirniq is nice!

With all that draw, you could have maybe put Versatile and Quantum Flux, but I guess by the time you used your 4 The Red-Gloved Man, you're pretty much done cycling your deck.

I guess also a sick card for her is Eon Chart (4) as you get 2 more turns to get the advantage of your Perception (2) and all the others.

One last thing: The amount of Practiced cards is a bit limited to play Practice Makes Perfect isn't it?

Dec 09, 2021 Devan · 13

Yes, Eon Chart is an excellent include in this deck for sure, if you had any more experience to work with it would certainly the next card in.

With 6 practiced skills that all give excellent bonuses when investigating there is an 88% chance to find one with practice makes perfect in a 33 card deck, and the odds only go up after you've been through your deck once and got your assets out.