Kymani hones their instincts.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

acotgreave · 829

My first Kymani deck, played for combat/evade in multiplayer.

Got Grappling Hook in play on round 1. Alas, my first round draw was Dendromorphosis which nuked it immediately. Thing is, the Chuck Fergus event/card draw engine was such that I never bothered getting rid of the weakness. (another downside was that I also didn't get Dissection Tools in play)

Honed Instinct was a real star here. I upgraded it to a 10xp, 3-copy, fast, cheap way of getting two actions. It's super-powerful.

The deck saw some fun turns packed with actions.

Based on this first play, I don't think Kymani felt particularly unique. A similar Chuck/Event deck would work just as well in other rogues (eg Wini). That said, I did lose my Grappling Hook in round 1, so that will have made a difference. That's not to say I didn't enjoy Kymani; I love Rogues anyway, and will be excited to delve more into their deck-building.