Tommy "What him? No idea, never touched him sir." Muldoon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

screamingabdab · 98

So this is my take on the classic bodyguard Guardian build, with the addition of some of the new cards from TSK. The idea of the deck is simply, get your Hunter's Armor, Guard Dog and Survival Knife into play and then do whatever you want while enemies fall down dead around you. Works best in two player where you just Safeguard your Seeker partner around the scenario.

The new Salvage is your safety net for Hunter's Armor and Survival Knife. A Chance Encounter does the same job for your Guard Dog.

The perfect play is to get very lucky early on and throw away your dusty old Leather Coat via Rookie Mistake and then you don't have to worry about it. But this is very likely to happen so having the backups mentioned above is vital.

Toe to Toe is fantastic in this build. If you fully equipped you can testlessly kill some really big, high damage enemies. Bandages continues to be great with Guard Dog and Motivational Speech is the icing on a hairy, angry canine cake.

If you have more experience to spend then upgrade Safeguard is an easy call. Also if you have additional healing sources from another investigator then replacing Hallowed Mirror with Martyr's Vambrace would be great here.

Normally Card Draw is a problem for Guardians, but with this deck, once your Armour and Dogs are in play you can take basic Draw Actions and enemies kill themselves from the OOAs.